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Normal SEO Practices: How should your typical day be to earn a premium ranking on Google's search results pages?

What is the ideal periodical period to take care of the field of SEO technologies for your business? Read this important article to learn about the main activities and frequency at which each of them should be applied!

When you're working by focusing on content preparation and optimization within search engines, it's essential that you establish regular and routine sessions and practices, and even a well-prepared calendar and calendar, in order to keep track of all the important tasks related to the topic of Search Engine Optimizations or the SEO field.

I confess to you that, in a certain period of time, this process was very smooth and simple here at the Hot Mart platform. Until this process began to grow and expand, as did the team, we felt the need to prepare a clearer and more educational process to follow.

These daily practices have been developed based on specialists in the field of SEO, who are known on a global level, and also, of course, in collaboration with the team working to sponsor this blog!! 😇

You'll learn about the daily practices of this company, but they are 100% adaptable and relevant to your business. Here I commented on each of these paragraphs, helping you with this process of adaptation and adaptation.

We will talk about our business in relation to the following areas:

Content Creation

The frequency at which we do this: daily

The content for us in the blog is considered oxygen for the body. That is, you should always remember that content is the main factor in your SEO strategy.

This doesn't mean you should prepare a lot of content in terms of size, but rather focus on content that is valuable and valuable to your SEO strategy.

There are those who produce a few articles in the blog, but being epic and absolutely fascinating articles attracts a very educated and prepared audience. This is the case of specialist Brian Dean, who, with about 40 blog posts, can educate and win the loyalty of his readers.

There are also those who do production work more broadly, as in the case of Hotmart. Nowadays, we publish new content almost every day.

But which strategy is better?

I really don't think there's a better model than the other, because every business has its own characteristics.

Brian Dean works on a very specific market segment, and with an audience with the same characteristics. At Hotmart, it has a wide range of topics that we need to discover, so we cover a lot of topics.

What can be confirmed is that content represents the part that requires more time to prepare than any other SEO strategy.

Set a pace depending on the number of content that has the greatest possible quality that you can prepare.

Regardless of the number, post regularly.

Update content

Frequency We Do: Weekly

We consider this element to be of the utmost importance, which is why we place it on the regular SEO business list.

Updating content means reviewing old posts that were published 6 months ago or more ago and that could see some improvements.

Some of the themes we analyze when choosing which posts will be updated

  • Does this post or article provide the best possible information to the reader?

  • Does it earn a good ranking on the search results page in the Google Search Engine Results Page or SERP?

  • Can the reader's reading experience be improved?

  • Is there some information that needs to be updated?

  • Is the content provided by competitors better than the content provided by us?

  • Are the internal SEO factors in the SEO on page good?

  • These are some of the questions you can ask when reviewing old content. In addition, you can promote them and also publish them on social networks.

You may notice, after the update, an increase in the number of logins to these articles, and you may even see a high quality jump to the top of the search results page in the SERP browser.

Search for keywords

Our frequency: every 15 days

Keywords research is one of the first steps to start with a strategy in improving search techniques. But the document containing important concepts must be updated to continue to lead the next steps in the SEO field. That's why a constant search for the optimal keyword is among the regular SEO works.

If you're working with a sales team, feel free to consult them to understand which topics are being talked about the most and to trade them with customers. From here, you will get different insights and opinions from the traditional keyword search method.

Analysis of internal SEO criteria – internal configuration factors on page

Our frequency: every 15 days.

The internal configuration criteria for the page SEO have a lot to do with the health of your website, and the extent to which the content is optimized for users and for Google.

Here, we can mention a few points that you should always pay attention to:

  • Reader-friendly URLs paths;

  • Redirect (301) to URLs when necessary;

  • Title Tag SEO titles are attractive and useful;

  • Meta description on all pages;

  • Internal linking;

  • Correction of broken links;

  • Images containing alternative texts;

  • Responsive Design page design for mobile devices;

  • Loading speed of the website;

  • Heading Tags (H2, H3, etc.);

  • Keywords and related concepts and reap a good ranking (Semantic LSI Keywords).

Fortunately, there are some tools that browse and scan the site, revealing to you some of the errors or pitfalls that exist in relation to the above elements.

Here at Hotmart, we use MOZ and SemRush, but Google Search Console – the Google Search Engine Admin tool, which is free, can put you a few points to implement.

Plan to place an editorial calendar

Our frequency: Monthly

The editorial calendar or editorial calendar leads the entire content preparation process, as well as the date on which the post will be published, determining who is responsible for it, on which social media networks it will be published, as well as all the most important details related to the content;

As such, anyone who enters our editorial calendar will know full well what planning we are putting in place for the whole next month.

Optimize the snippets featured snippets paragraph

Our frequency: Weekly

Snippets are largely responsible for determining the click-through rate or click-through rate on Google's SERP results page.  It consists of an SEO title tag, a meta description as well as a URL path.

The more these three elements are consistent with the search term, and the user's intent, the greater the chance that the user will choose your page.

Therefore, we analyze weekly, to test if our snippets meet the user's questions within the results of the SERP search engine page and if they are attractive enough and required.

Answer comments

Our frequency: Weekly

With pleasure we say that we see a lot of visits on our blog on a daily basis!! 😍 We always receive comments on posts and articles.

We are keen to read all the comments and answer them all or most, to strengthen the bonds of connection and relationship with the community that follows us from different Arab countries and the whole world!! And in order to solve all the questions that readers bring us.

Our users and visitors have always been the priority, and it will never be different here in the blog. And honestly: Answering comments in a blog is one of the reasons why readers and people are coming back to your website.

Link Building

Our frequency: Weekly

Quality and quality backlinks are essential for effective SEO. Walid al-Coincidental does not consider that links are among the factors that have a significant impact on Google's ranking rate.

We always monitor the subject of the links we have, to ensure that the right people access our channel.

On a weekly basis, we do this survey, but at the same time, we are always looking for opportunities to earn new backlinks that are more important and of higher quality!

Design / Usability of Website Usability

Our frequency: sporadically

Website design tells a lot and predicts how much experience a visitor will have when browsing pages.

Suddenly, we review our pages to check how well they fit into our typical and ideal persona goal!!

We use heat maps to understand the model a user is doing while browsing the site, and to keep up to date where to place ad bars – banners – banners and buttons (which are a strategy for our business!).

Promotion via social media networks

Our frequency: Daily

It never works to create great and engaging content, if it doesn't reach the user, right? 😎

Social media networks are excellent channels for promotion, especially if you have a well-engaged following.

Today, we use Instagram, and the Story feature that has brought us a lot of advantages and results!!

What's useful for you is to understand on which social networks your audience is most present, and to work continuously and usefully, where you'll compete with many contents.

Competitor Analysis

Our frequency: Weekly

Always keep an eye on competitors! In this case, we are not necessarily talking about competitors in business, but in the field of search results page in search engines SERP!

Since we're talking about digital marketing strategies, online entrepreneurship, our competitors are, for the most part, SEO specialists. We are always pursuing other and newer strategies so that we do not lose our site and step back!!

Again, I will recommend using the SEMRush tool, as it is considered one of the most integrated tools and equipment on the market for more in-depth research!

Monitor metrics

Our frequency: Daily

This task is essential to measure how much effort 💪 we have, and to understand how the blog/site is going and what performance it produces!

Exclusively, this is the first task of the day: we analyze the performance of our blog during the previous day, and check for any better performance or outside the usual and familiar range (whether negative or positive).

For this, we use Google Analytics and also Google Search Engine Administrators Tool.

Search Console

The main metrics we analyze:

  • Number of daily unique visitors;

  • Number of visits;

  • Number of page views;

  • Posts and articles that have been accessed the most;

  • new users × regular users;

  • bounce rate;

  • The time the visitor stays on the page.

Given that each business has its own distinctive characteristics, you can identify other indicators that are important to your business. Sure, an e-commerce business will have different standards than a blog!

Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) is one of the first steps to starting any business strategy. This is how you can determine if you are really evolving and progressing as fast and quality as you want!


Our frequency: Monthly

Our reports help to brief other sections of the company regarding the work of SEO technologies, which we are developing, and this gives us a useful comparison on the results we reach!

Here are some useful themes to put into a report in the SEO field:

  • Number of unique users;

  • the amount of growth compared to last month;

  • the most entry posts;

  • New classifications rankings;

  • Percentage of conversions: blog posts × customers;

  • New links are being set up.

If you have an agency and you need to announce results, focus on guiding metrics that deliver real results for your customers, such as traffic, and revenue.

Analyze client stereotypical personas

Our frequency: No on set

If it's the Avatar personas that define your entire content strategy, make constant reviews to understand if your strategy fits the moment when your ideal customers are there.


When we started blogging at Hotmart, our contents were generic and spoke in generalities, contained more general concepts, and were addressed to an audience that was learning about new possibilities for business. Our goal was to gain visibility and authority.

As we began to shine as specialists and our readers turned into experts in marketing and online business, we began to prepare more technical and in-depth content and topics.

The stereotype at that point was more mature, demanding about the content it consumed.

This is a natural process, especially if you know the market. This can happen with your business as well, and you should keep an eye on these shifts.

In our case, we conducted new research, interviews to understand the identifying and distinctive traits of the people we were dealing with.

We did these analyses as soon as we felt it was necessary, but I advise you to review the persona every 6 months.

At last.

Prioritizing your tasks according to your goal is the factor that will guide you to determine the periodic period of time for any task or work whether in the field of normal SEO business or otherwise.

I know that, for entrepreneurs, there is still a huge list of other activities that are equally fundamental and essential.

Although my degree is wounded in the field of SEO 😚 techniques, I would definitely recommend that you work on strategies to earn a special ranking on the SERP search results page!

These efforts will bring you a lot of benefits and rewards, and will bring you financial returns in the medium and long term.

If time is considered a factor that suggests scarcity, being irreplaceable, seek to prepare important content, and devote yourself to developing a good strategy in link building.

When we talk about SEO technologies, we mean a lot of dedication and commitment, much more than just strange rules and techniques to outperform Google!!

Share with us your opinion in this important area to learn together!!

All the best, and goodbye in another post and another post!

Peace be upon you!

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