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the beginner's guide to keyword research for ecommerce

how to conduct keyword research 

Keywords may not be the foundation of the SEO process as they were in the past, but they are nevertheless of great importance in increasing web traffic. In its early days, many digital marketers were overusing keywords on their websites, in the so-called "keyword stuffing" or "keyword stuffing" in order to get a higher ranking in search results pages in different search engines. However... Search engines have now evolved, and they are smarter and more effective, so randomly paving keywords in web pages on your website is no longer feasible. Whether you're a professional online marketer, or a beginner in the SEO world, you'll find in today's article everything you need to know about keywords and their relationship to SEO. Browse on Forsa 

What are Keywords? 

A keyword or keyword is a single word or set of words that defines and clarifies the purpose of your content. In SEO, keywords are words, sentences, and phrases that users enter into search engines to find certain information. Pay-on-click (PPC) marketing models such as Google Ads also use keywords to attract ads related to search words entered by users. Browse on Forsa 

In other words, search words describe the purpose or purpose of certain content on the Internet, which is one of the factors that search engines use to rank search results appropriately and correctly to help users find the information they want. For example, let's say you typed in Google: "What is the history of pottery?" , on the search results page you will see all the articles and types of content that have been ranked in Google based on the keyword "History of pottery". Browse on Forsa .

What is the importance of keywords? 

When you optimize the content on your website for search engines based on the keywords your users are looking for, you're increasing the chances that your site will rank higher on search results pages. What does that mean? Browse on Forsa 

When you get a higher ranking, it means more and more web traffic directed to your site, which is why finding the right keywords is the first step in setting up an SEO campaign. In fact, it is impossible to do content optimization for search engines without keywords, because it is they that allow you to do the following: Browse on Forsa website 

  • Discover the structure of your website. 

  • Plan your product and Category Pages.

  •  Write blog content or YouTube videos. Optimize your homepages and sales pages.

And here you may be wondering: "But how do I find the right keywords?" Just keep reading! Also Read: Keyword Density: Is It Really Important for SEO? Also Read:The Ranking and SEO Browsing on the Opportunity 

How do I find the right keywords for my website? 

There are many free and paid tools you can use to find the right keywords for your website. However, before we talk about them, let's first introduce you to some important steps that you should follow before you start using these tools.

1- Identify your target audience:

 Start by conducting research about your target audience, and find out what questions you can answer, or the problems and difficulties they face and you can provide appropriate solutions to them

2- Narrow down your focus 

When you're targeting a large and wide range of keywords, it can reduce the effectiveness of your SEO strategies. So be sure to narrow your focus to make your content more relevant to your audience. It's also helpful to target keywords that aren't highly competitive, making it easier for you to get a higher ranking on search results pages.

3- Collect information,

 analyze it, and prepare the ball. Always be sure to follow the performance of your website in terms of the keywords you use, and analyze the results of what you have reached continuously to use again in improving and developing your site. Now that you've done the previous steps, it's time to start following the most important and best practices in finding and using keywords.

4- Use Google's suggestions 

Many have a hard time with SEO since they target highly competitive keywords. For example, some of them want to create content about "losing weight", "insurance" or other famous words that millions of websites compete for. Can you really appear on the first page of search results pages when you target these words? The answer is: Yes, of course, you can, but it can take years to come true. Therefore, the best solution is to resort to long tail keywords. 

Can you really appear on the first page of search results pages when you target these words? The answer is: Yes, of course, you can, but it can take years to come true. Therefore, the best solution is to resort to long tail keywords. Long keywords are, as the name implies, long phrases (4 or more words) used by information seekers in Google and other search engines. The percentage of competitiveness is often the least browsing on the site of the https

This makes it easier to rank them on the first page of the search pages. If you're new to SEO, then it's a good idea to start with long, less difficult keywords. But how do you find these keywords? Fortunately, this is very easy thanks to Google Suggestions or as it is sometimes known as Google Autocomplete. 

Suppose, for example, that you want to create a blog about the "healthy diet." This keyword will most likely be difficult and highly competitive. But when you type "healthy diet" into Google, you'll see a list of suggestions with long keywords. Also Read: How to Create a Successful YouTube Channel: Tips for a Strong Presence on YouTube Browsing on the Chance 

You can also find keywords close to the keyword you chose at the end of the search results page under the heading "Related Topics" or "Related Research" as shown in the image below.

You'd have a better chance of being ranked by Google, if you wrote content aimed at one of these long words.

5 Use Amazon to find marketing keywords

 Search for keywords in the field of e-commerce is as important as searching for them when writing blogs. But the only difference is that in the case of SEO for ecommerce sites, you'll have to find keywords for products, Category Pages and a very large number. Fortunately, you can do this with Amazon's suggestions just as you did in the previous step using Google Suggestions. All you have to do is visit Amazon's business site, type the name of a particular product or product category in the search box, and see the relevant terms and words that the site suggests to you. 

You can apply the same plan to various popular ecommerce sites like AliExpress, e-bay, or others

6 Use Google's tools to learn about the volume of search and its cost of browsing on the site of Opportunity 

Google's keyword planning tool or Keyword Planner helps you know a lot of information about the keywords you want to use. It is a great tool as it offers you information from the most reliable and credible sources... Google itself. In order to use Keyword Planner you first have to create and set up a Google Ads account, which is not difficult, even if you don't have any ads, you can simply create and use the account. Once you put a particular word in the search box of this tool, you will see the monthly search volume for that word and all similar or related words.

Always add words with a large search volume to your content strategy, target them on your site, and stay away from words that do not see a large search, what is the point of using words that no one cares about?! Read also: What are SEO performance measurement indicators and how do you use them

7 Double the keywords you already use that are SEO-compliant

 When it comes to searching for keywords to improve SEO, often everyone focuses on finding only new words, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. However, you can also take advantage of the keywords you've previously used and your site has ranked on the search results page thanks to them. How so? 

Through the help of Google Search Console Administrator Tools. With this tool, you can identify the keywords that are really doing well in terms of SEO, as well as the type of content that includes that word. For example, you may find that you have an article that has been arranged by Google because it includes a certain keyword such as "healthy diet," but, when you look at this article, you may discover that it contains only a simple example of healthy food. Now you know that Google loves the content you provide about that keyword (otherwise it wouldn't have been ranked and appeared on search results pages), in which case, you can double its use in another article that targets it completely and better. Also Read: Step by Step: How to Create a Blog Blogger Browsing

8 How do you use keywords in your content? 

So, now that you know what keywords mean, how to find them, and now that you have many suitable keywords in your hands, it's time to start using them correctly in your site. Here are the steps to do so:

9 Select a keyword in other words

 don't try to make your page or content centered around multiple keywords at once. For example, if we had an article about: "Creating a blog on the Internet," this sentence is our main keyword. We may use similar words such as: "How to create a blog" or "Set up an online blog"... etc., but the focus should always be on the main keyword. Also Read: Indexing and SEO 

10 - Use the keyword several times in the content 

You do not have to repeat this keyword a hundred times in the article or on your web page, it will backfire. But be sure to mention them several times focusing on their presence in the first paragraph (or at the top of the page). In this way, Google will know that the topic of this web page is about this keyword.

11- Use the keyword in the headline and subheadings 

as well as in the URL, and in the Meta Description, where its presence in the description box helps to distinguish your page in the search results. Their normal pressure ratio (Organic Click-through-rate) increases

12- Add keyword similar words to your browsing page

This is so as to avoid stuffing your web page with only the main keyword. It's important to add some words that are similar or relevant to your Page's topic, increasing the chance that they will rank higher on search results pages. You can find similar or related words by looking at Google's suggestions at the end of the search page. Also Read: The Crawling and SEO Browsing on the Opportunity 

13- Use internal links that include the main keyword 

when you create a new web page, it does not have any power or what is known as (Page Authority), and here comes the importance of linking it to other pages from the same site or from outside it. Be sure to add some internal links that lead the visitor to other pages of your site, with the text that includes the link to be content with your keyword.

It's another way Google shows that this web page is about that particular topic. This way you have learned about the concept of keywords and how important they are and how they relate to SEO. Now you can start by creating appropriate content (visual or written) that includes the right keywords that will lead to your site being ranked by Google, and start actually showing it within search results pages. You can learn more about SEO and content writing strategies by looking at the following articles available on learning

  • SEO Rules in Content Writing

  • Top 5 Things to Focus on Everything You Need to Know About SEO

  •  How to Develop a Successful Content Strategy?

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